
Big Numbers: Cyber (SYM)day

Man look....I can't tell ya'll how long I've been putting off getting this site up and running. Not because I didn't want it, but simply because I didn't want to do it. Well, I finally did it! *whew*

I DO NOT do well with all this tech stuff. I am not sure exactly why...but whenever it's time for me to do something new...I dread anything that will allow me to customize it. I even find templates formidable. I can't choose colors. It's too hard this way and how or when did colors become alphanumeric combos? I get so confused and frustrated. Then I get discouraged and I never finish. Why can't they just let you highlight the words and then pikk a color like in an email? Is that too much to ask? *sigh* There's good news though.  I really like blakk. That's an easy color to choose. Make everything blakk, add white text, and then add a couple colors. DONE. I don't have the patience for much more even though I think it's pretty.

The fact that I couldn't just make something pretty from the jump was really keeping me from getting this store together. I almost put it off again, but my friend called and she's like...DO IT! I told her...naw. lol. But I spent the last two days getting the entire thing up and running. It was a lot of work, but I did not die. Praise Him!!! And now that everything is there, I am hoping that it will help me save some time in the future and help me get some orders from people who hated the order form so much that they'd just rather not get something. This site will save some would be SYM-shoppers from such shameful choices in the future. It's an easy way to shop for completed items. I'll still need the order form for customs, but one step at a time. Although the store isn't as pretty as I wanted, it works the same way a pretty one does. I'm very proud of myself for stikking with it, especially considering the obstacles in my way (like breaking my camera fighting a bee...I guess that means it won).

Now, go chekk out the SYM1 Did It!!! store. Use code "CYBERSYMDAY" to receive 25% off your entire order for today only. You can also access the store via the FB FAN PAGE. Ain't that fancy? I'm movin' up in the world. Since I worked so hard today, tomorrow I'll be chillin' with my feet up, destroying my fingers making Christmas ornaments, while my own tree stands naked and bare. SMH. One thing at a time. *exhale*

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