
Big Numbers: I Painted a Basketball

I don't know what number or what day I am on. What I can tell you is that...I'm tired! lol. I've had a LOT of company recently, but now everybody is gone and I can get bakk to business as (kind of) usual.

One of my repeat clients asked me to do a basketball for her. I was excited! It was something new to do. Then I started working on it...and I got mad. It wasn't as hard to paint as I thought, but it was mishap after mishap. I finished JUST in time to get it to the post office before closing time. Frustrated or not, I'm still a beast. I forgot to take nice pics before I pakked it up, but I took some with my phone while it was drying. Here, be nosy:

This was 211/1000. I haven't posted 207-210. They are coming soon. I also have 212. See, I've been (kind of) working. Just trying to get bakk into the swing of things. Excuse me while I catch up!

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