
Big Numbers: Day 66

I skipped yesterday. I'm bad.

I made some progress today. I'm almost caught up with my 36$5 pieces. I'm working on these orders. (This water is delicious.) Ok. For my SYM1 veterans...I'm at...8/23/ASAP! Yes. That's awesome....mmmhm. *shakes head* lol.

I did two faces today. I think this is my signature eyebrow. How's THAT for a decision? lol.

56/365 and 99/1000 "Oh, Some1s Angry" 

I think she'll be on an episode of snapped soon. She seems like a butcher knife kind of girl.

57/365 and 100/1000 "Liner and Lipstikk" 
OH snap! I'm 10% of the way to my goal. *cabbage patch* This one made me think of

Adam Lambert
Then I did these three. They all kind of matched today. I didn't do it on purpose. Just used what was close.

58/365 and 101/1000 "No Permission Necessary"

59/365 and 102/1000 "Let Me In"

60/365 and 103/1000 "SHINE"
Yeah, so while I was working in this, I found some things to add to the list that I haven't even started on yet. lol. Oh what fun! 103 down. 897 pieces and 299 days to go! OH SNAP!


Sankofa said...

OMG I WANT SHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

SYM1 said...


Ashley said...

LOVING the purple hair on "Liner and Lipstick" and I love "no permission necessary". I KNOW it's a key but it also kind of looks like an upside down "giving someone the finger" (at least to me it does).

I want "no permission necessary" {{please}}

I like "let me in" and "shine" as well.

SYM1 said...

@Ashley, you dug DEEP for that interpretation! lol. GET IT!