
Big Numbers: Day 82

Hola! Here I am. Today is a photoless entry. I didn't FINISH anything, but I made some progress, so I'm going to be happy with that. Trying to remain positive. To be honest, I'm just happy to be painting again. I have stuff spread out......all over the floor! I have orders coming in. I cannot complain.

So far, I have 20 (or so) pieces with paint on them. I have started some today. I started some others before. I will start more before the night is through. I will finish them all soon. I like to start on lots of things at once, because for some reason, starting and doing the "easy" stuff is much more difficult and ultimately far less fulfilling than actually finishing something. So, I made an executive decision with myself to start bunches of stuff today then finish them all one by one. (Why am I getting sleepy? That was not in the plan for the rest of the evening. It's far too early!)

In confetti throwing news, I disposed of three empty paint bottles today. This is HUGE in regard to fabric paint. I haven't bought any all year. I've just replaced it with acrylics. *giggles*

That's it for updating. I'm ready to get bakk into my paint. There are loads of things I'd love to do around the house, including some art projects that will count toward SYM1,000, and I can't even begin to get started without getting some of the orders off first. I'm skipping the weekend to make sure that works out.

So, ummm...numbers very similar to yesterday! lol. I'll be bakk tomorrow. Thanks for your continued support and kind words! You are the absolute bestest!

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