
Big Numbers: Day 89

"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary." -Picasso 

I saw that on a hotel website today. It said dAiry, but I know what they meant. I suppose that may be why I have stopped writing in mine, since I've been painting so much. It's all the same to me. Admittedly, I'm pretty bored right now. It's not showing in my work, because it's making me not want to work. Oh what fun... *heavy on the sarcasm.* I'm sukking my teeth and doing it anyway. Hopefully, I'll be in a better place soon. I'll tell you more about it later. It's not a good time. 

If you haven't noticed, I don't really post the shirts here. That's what I finished today. So, no photo. Matter of fact I won't post another photo until I finish something that's not a shirt. I put myself on a slight punishment until I can get these shirts off. Once I do that, this blog will be full of SYM1 fun again. 

Now, in *confetti throwing* news, I tossed two bottles of paint today. That's all I have. Final count today is 1.  129 pieces down and 276 days to go! 


Big Numbers: Day 88, CHUKKS!!!

It's currently day 89. I'll post again tonight, but I wanted this to have a separate post.

I have a gentle love for Chukk's. I'm no fanatic, but I very well may be on my way. They are pretty much the only shoe I can find in an endless array of colors. The sizing is forgiving. I have 4 pairs all different sizes! They are inexpensive and classic. What's not to love?

I went to an event called Art+Sole+Life bakk in October and I posted some of the shoes I liked from the event bakk on my fb page. An almost cousin friend of mine saw a pair she liked and then I was put to work. Here's what happend:

Just in time for summer? That's not what it says outside the window, but still. 

If slow and steady wins the race, I'm IN there. Final count for the day 1. 128 pieces down and 277 days to go!


Big Numbers: Day 87

Lesson: Be prepared.

When I began this 36$5, I went to the store and bought all the 5x7 canvas panels they had. . There were 10 pakks. That's enough for a month. Since then, I haven't been able to get more than 3 pakks at a time. And I think, when you restokk, all of the pakks are gone, but still, you only order three pakks a week. Like I'm not hoarding 5x7s. That's SYM1 abuse. I've got needs! Well, I've run out. So, no 5x7 post today. I'd love to tell them to just order a case, but then I'd have to pay full price. Not happening. lol. I wonder if I can buy some....hmmm...I shall google.

Anywho, today was uneventful. Started things, worked on things that were started. Finished nada. But the night is young! Count same as yesterday, but 1 day less. HA!


Big Numbers: Day 86

You know what?  I didn't do a day 83...or maybe I did. Today may only be day 85. (I double chekked, it's day 86). Clearly this math is too complicated for me, but I can count money though (that's what my daddy says). Anyway, my weekend did not go at all as planned, but it was good. If you haven't noticed, things hardly go the way I plan. I'm wondering if I should give up that entire idea. Replace planning with "do what you can and hope it's a lot!" How's that?

Well, I forgot, though reminded on Friday, that we were welcoming 5 new members into my sorority today. I didn't remember that until 9:30a or so when my phone dinged me and said you have somewhere to be today. Of course, this isn't really all THAT inconvenient, until I remembered that I had not done gifts. It's Sunday. Hobby Lobby is closed. I have nothing on hand. Is this my life? It is. But I went to the store, bought stuff that I didn't even use, made it bakk in decent time, then painted a 5x7 for each of my new sorors! I am all types of awesome. Mommy said something to that effect prior to me leaving. She's so genius! Here they are:

123,124,125,126,127/1000 "IHZ Spring 2011"
Final count for the day 5. 127 pieces down and 279 days to go. I'm swiftly approaching day 100. Hmmm...great things shall come. I'm going to pakk boxes! My items have been requested.

Big Numbers: Day 85

Today was terribly uneventful. It rained. I wish I had decided to add new recipes to my SYM1,000. I'm sure I'd be much further ahead. I really enjoy cooking. Dinner was delicious....and so was breakfast. I guess I'm just good at making things. I hope that holds true when it's time for babies. :D Eh, no time soon.

So, I messed up another shirt. I'm not sure I can repair it and it's not my size. I believe I will be taking an L. I did finish 2 5x7s though. Still in my sunshiny summer mood. I guess. Here goes.

70/365 and 121/1000 "Scoops"

71/365 and 122/1000 "Rays of Rhythm"
Ya'll like my tie dye looking bakkground? My shirt boards. I'm not very messy, so I don't have any (excessively) splattered clothing to wear as a part of my "I am an artist" wardrobe. JUST thought that maybe I should tape a white shirt to a shirt board for a week. I could have a very colorful piece by then. It's an idea. No shirts my size though, so it's just an idea.

Final count for the day is 2. 122 pieces and 280 days to go. 


Big Numbers: Day 84

I finished stuff! Everybody *cabbage patch!!!* I feel so much  better. Not as many as I would have liked, but I promise I need to work on focusing on what I did do and not so much on what I didn't. Is that a common issue?

I'm keeping it short, because I have to spend some time with Matty (short for Mattress). He's calling me and I can only resist for so long. Apparently I'm in a spring bring on the summer mood. You'll see the rest tomorrow, but here's what I did.

119,120/1000 and 68,69/365 "Blowin Bubbles"
So, final count for today is 5. 120 down. 880 pieces and 281 days to go!


Big Numbers: Day 83, Frustration and Disgust

So peep, I started all those pieces yesterday. YAY! I wake up prepared to work on some of the pieces I started. The one in particular I had planned on working on....there's a gaping hole. BUMMER! Worse still? I already started painting it. Can't take it bakk. Good news, it's my size. I'll make it work, which is great, because I'm still not shopping. I went and bought another shirt. Fine. Now, do you remember those three bottles...nevermind...something great just happened. I'm going to take this time to laugh at myself. Hehehe! I'm going to not be mad and keep doing what I was doing like beginning to redo this particular piece. HA!

So, what else is going on? I'm working on a shirt with rhinestones. Needless to say, I won't ever be doing this again. Far from fun. Terribly tedious. And from now on, if asked, I will say nope. Not happening.

That's it. That's all I got. I didn't finish anything. I didn't start anything. I have NOTHING to do tomorrow, but sit here and paint. I've even cooked in advance. I am great!


Big Numbers: Day 82

Hola! Here I am. Today is a photoless entry. I didn't FINISH anything, but I made some progress, so I'm going to be happy with that. Trying to remain positive. To be honest, I'm just happy to be painting again. I have stuff spread out......all over the floor! I have orders coming in. I cannot complain.

So far, I have 20 (or so) pieces with paint on them. I have started some today. I started some others before. I will start more before the night is through. I will finish them all soon. I like to start on lots of things at once, because for some reason, starting and doing the "easy" stuff is much more difficult and ultimately far less fulfilling than actually finishing something. So, I made an executive decision with myself to start bunches of stuff today then finish them all one by one. (Why am I getting sleepy? That was not in the plan for the rest of the evening. It's far too early!)

In confetti throwing news, I disposed of three empty paint bottles today. This is HUGE in regard to fabric paint. I haven't bought any all year. I've just replaced it with acrylics. *giggles*

That's it for updating. I'm ready to get bakk into my paint. There are loads of things I'd love to do around the house, including some art projects that will count toward SYM1,000, and I can't even begin to get started without getting some of the orders off first. I'm skipping the weekend to make sure that works out.

So, ummm...numbers very similar to yesterday! lol. I'll be bakk tomorrow. Thanks for your continued support and kind words! You are the absolute bestest!

Big Numbers: What day is it?

Maaaaan...is this the part where God laughs at your plans? I don't even know what day I'm on. I'll figure it out again when I actually do something new...or at the end of the post, just to ensure I end it properly. I was recently without a proper internet connection or a sufficient place to think, which proves to be mildly tragic when ones desire is to KEEP WORKING. Whatever the case may be, I NEEDED the break.

I successfully painted six 5x7s. All on the same night, which shows how well I've been working. *str8 face* My current plan is to go into hiding again, but inside my own house until I get myself bakk on course. That probably won't work, but I'll do the best I can. I'm excited to be bakk in my element and I'm even more excited about the things I was able to think up, but have yet to get started on. Here's what I did do (in no particular order, because I don't remember):

63/365 and 106/1000 "Fighting Gnome" 
This was a product of an original vision gone awry. I tried to convince mommy that I saw a garden gnome, she wasn't buying it. *shrugs* I tried.

64/365 and 107/1000 "The Fish" 
This was inspired by a logo I saw on a seafood delivery trukk. I thought it was NICE! So I remembered it and made this.

65/365 and 108/1000 "Platypus at Prom" 
I was going for peacokk here, but when I look at it all I could think of was the platypuses from Mr. Rogers. Are you laughing at me? It's ok. But look, so the platypus got all dressed up...and maybe the theme was masquerade and she dressed up as a pink peacokk. I'm imaginative. Let me live!

65/365 and 109/1000 "The Scorpion"
Well, I was going for a zodiac theme...originally. I like this one. Keeping it simple.

66/365 and 110/1000 "Ladybug" 
Then, I couldn't remember all the signs, or what exactly I thought a goat looked like...and so I made a ladybug. I know what I think those look like.

67/365 and 111/1000 "Dragonfly" 
These go well with ladybugs right? All I'm missing is a butterfly.  Maybe I'll get to that.

Anywho, this was last week. HA! THIS week...I'm trying. Say a prayer for me. Energy, productivity and the frikkin WILL to keep going. Oh and a fire up under my ass. Amen. :o) Ok, so...ummm...111 down. 889 pieces (ouch) and 284 days to go. If you need me, I'll be HIDING in the paint room!


Big Numbers: Day 67-68

I painted yesterday, but I passed out before I typed the blog. Then, I passed out a few times midday. You know, this all nighter thing doesn't work much post-college. Actually, it didn't work much then. I was prone to hour long naps. Thank God for alarm clokks. Last night, I took a five hour nap. It did me NO good. Now, I'm up from my late night nap and posting early. 

Last night. I scribbled. I wasn't ready to stop, but I was starting to feel like I was wasting paint. OH! Speaking of paint, I just purchased my first bottle of fabric paint this year, though I've thrown away at least 10! #BOOM I consider that a win. Ok, bakk to the 36$5. Here they are.

61/365 and 104/1000 "Ummm, I see a bunny?"

62/365 and 105/1000 "FOCUS" 

This was fun. I prefer scribbling with pencil and pen on paper, like in class or *whispers* church. My notes are generally very decorative and it keeps me from sleeping. Anywho, I haven't started my 5x7s yet, I may or may not finish them. I'm working on an order. However, if I do get to them, I'll count them tomorrow. I'm almost caught up! WOOP! Today's (and yesterday's) final count...6. 105 down...895 pieces...and 297 days to go!


Big Numbers: Day 66

I skipped yesterday. I'm bad.

I made some progress today. I'm almost caught up with my 36$5 pieces. I'm working on these orders. (This water is delicious.) Ok. For my SYM1 veterans...I'm at...8/23/ASAP! Yes. That's awesome....mmmhm. *shakes head* lol.

I did two faces today. I think this is my signature eyebrow. How's THAT for a decision? lol.

56/365 and 99/1000 "Oh, Some1s Angry" 

I think she'll be on an episode of snapped soon. She seems like a butcher knife kind of girl.

57/365 and 100/1000 "Liner and Lipstikk" 
OH snap! I'm 10% of the way to my goal. *cabbage patch* This one made me think of

Adam Lambert
Then I did these three. They all kind of matched today. I didn't do it on purpose. Just used what was close.

58/365 and 101/1000 "No Permission Necessary"

59/365 and 102/1000 "Let Me In"

60/365 and 103/1000 "SHINE"
Yeah, so while I was working in this, I found some things to add to the list that I haven't even started on yet. lol. Oh what fun! 103 down. 897 pieces and 299 days to go! OH SNAP!


Big Numbers: Day 64

*cabbage patches* I have reached my goal for the day. It's still early, but I have plans this evening so I wanted to try to do everything before I made moves. I even have a few minutes to relax before I go, so this post will not be long, as to ensure that those few minutes remain my own.

The first of the two 5x7s I completed today actually makes me think of a man in a book I read. It doesn't come with pictures, so when I envisioned him in my head...no, that's not right. I'm not sure he had a face in my head, but when I was done with the painting I decided that if I had chosen to imagine his face. It would look like this. I'm not even sure it looks like anything described from the book. Oh well. It made me think of him. This is MY imagination and it does what it wants.

97/1000 and 54/365 "Arveyda"
Actually, now that I look at it again...I see....

20 somethin Steven Tyler  OWWW

I really enjoy painting these faces and truth be told they work out really nicely when I don't have a lot of time to paint. So, I did two! (Still playing catch up!) This one also reminds me of a boy, though that's hardly ever my intent. This guy is younger though. I won't tell you the whole story, because I like for you to make them up for yourself...or....are ya'll really interested in what I see in these pictures? Hmmm...what works for you? Am I doing you a disservice by giving you the answers? Or rather, MY answer. Speak up! What say you?

98/1000 and 55/365 "Billy Badass"

I like frekkles ya'll. I'm sure I hadn't mentioned that before. Now you know.

Final count for the day 4. 98 down. 902 pieces and 301 days to go!

Big Numbers: Day 63

Hello there readers! On the winning scale...today has been about a six. I started things. I finished things. I finally made that list! I hope I remembered everything.

I'm working on a few pieces at once right now...because...I can? *shrugs* Lots and LOTS of shirts and such. So, I've got the paintings on mini hold. I'm trying to keep up with the 5x7s though. I completed 4 today.

The first is a set of 3. No particular inspiration here. I think I had considered, while making the lines, that it could be a maze, but there's no way out, hence the title.

91,92,93/1000 and 50,51,52/365 "LOST"

The last one is simple. I was going to do it in blakk and yellow as a tribute to my dearly departed Russelina that lived in the front yard, but I'm low on yellow paint and I NEED it for this order I'm working on. lol. Red ended up being a better choice.

53/365 and 94/1000 "Judy" 

Final count for the day 4. 94 pieces down. 906 pieces and 302 days to go! I got this...don't I?


Big Numbers: Day 62

I'm really ALL out of practice. I had finally gotten to a place where I could at least get the numbers right. I'm workin on getting it bakk together. The fact that I can't do it quikkly frustrates me! So much to do. Did I mention I need to make a list? I do. I don't want to lose anything. I've got such great ideas stuffed in my head...and I can't even pretend to begin on them until after I knokk out some of these orders and get caught up with my 36$5 project. Let's see.

Today was a busy day. Lots of errands. I made a scrapbook for my graduate chapter of my sorority. I worked on it for three days. I counted it as 3 pieces. As soon as I get my hands on it to take photos, I'll blog about it. I was slightly delirious when I handed it over. I pulled an all nighter to get it done. But get this. I returned the items that I didn't use today. I got 76% of the money bakk! I am so proud of my saving skills. I was dancing while she was ringing it up. #WIN

I also dropped off two of my pieces at MINT Gallery today. They are hosting an art benefit for trashwater on...well tonight. It's to help raise money for their initiatives in Nicaragua. Clean water for everybody! First time my art will be on display in a gallery type setting. Eh...I'm working on the part where I am joyful about how that was made possible with little to no additional effort on my part. I'm struggling with that part of me that is hard on me. The two of us are frequently at odds. I wanted to do something new. This is probably me pouting. 

Anyway, I did some starting today. I will work on finishing tomorrow. Here's what I completed today. I did another set. trying to help myself catch up. I made it to fit together as one big piece, but it looks cute even if you spin the pieces around. I cannot think of a title. See if you can come up with anything. No nameless artwork allowed here. ***UPDATE*** It's morning. I'm awake. I named it what it made me think of. Nothing fancy or deep here. Still a #WIN though, because fruit stripes gum was GREAT! Do they still make it?

89,90/1000 and 48,49/365 "YIPES! Stripes!"

89,90/1000 and 48,49/365 "YIPES! Stripes!"

Final count for the day 2. 90 down. 910 pieces and 303 days to go! I'm exhausted. Fell asleep mid-type. 


Big Numbers: Day 59

Maaaaaaan....it's been FOREVER! Two whole weeks without paint. It was a rough one too. Today I got bakk to work and finally made some things happen. Not only did I paint, but I cleaned some of my e-space and I managed to THINK some great things. I must put them into action soon. Actually, I should probably write them down first. As I mentioned before, my mind is very busy, so things sometimes get lost in there.

14 days without paint means I'm 14 5x7s behind. I thought a good way to catch up would be to paint a few sets.  Today, I did a 3 piece. It was fun! I LOVE it. I'm sad to see it go, because I am sure it will and fast!

45,46,47/365 and 84,85,86/1000 "Blowin' Smoke"

I also painted this cute cupcake for one of my clients...his favorite. It's actually the SYM version of the strawberries and cream cupcake from CamiCakes. I visited CamiCakes for the first time last month and actually tried this cupcake. I think that makes it kind of special. The pink C* was his idea, but I think it looks nice.

87/1000 "C is for Cupcake"

Needless to say...two weeks without paint puts me WAY behind. Trying not to beat myself up about it. Not because I feel I could have done something, but because this is a big setbakk for my goal. However, this doesn't make it impossible. Today's final count is 5. 88 down...912 pieces and 306 days to go. *Jazze Pha voice* Oh Boy!