Oh, how they raved about this piece. This was my first larger painting and oddly enough, it came very easy. It was very cooperative and it came out faaaabulous. I loved it and so did everyone else. I even heard it was my best piece EVER. I'm not sure if I agreed, but I did think it was pretty hot. At that time, it had been my most expensive piece. Somebody got a DEAL! lol. This one is definitely special.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/168418_491608438546_500758546_6250971_4301364_n.jpg) |
"Fluff and Soul" |
I don't have any of these left. It's a one of a kind, but if you want to take a look at any of my other items, chekk out my
SYM-store. Use code “12DAYS” to get 12% off EVERYTHING until 11:59pm on Christmas Eve.
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