
Big Numbers: Day 37 (What I'm Working On)

I've altered my sleeping patterns to adjust to my mother's so that I can hang out with her while she is awake and then work uninterrupted while she's sleeping. I think it probably makes for less working hours on some days, but this quiet time at night is invaluable. It also means I can't stay awake during the day, but naps are beautiful little calorie free treats. We should all have more.

I was in some kind of mood today. I was thinking about putting toothpaste and other household products on the canvas...just to see what would happen. Science. I was thinking, so I decided that wouldn't be best. I thought green paint would be a better choice. I like green. Preferably a bright apple like green. It's one of my (current) favorite colors. So that's where I started. I had fun.

"Blossom" 37/365 and 67/1000
I spent the rest of the time working on some shirts for mommy and me. We like bright colors around these parts. See the green again?

Spring and Summer @ SYM1's

So far, I've got four shirts cut up and ready for paint. Speaking of cutting, some really great and insanely sharp scissors (with golden handles) would be nice. Then I'm working on finishing an umbrella.......that I started maybe two years ago. 2 paintings. I have a shirt here from mommy's closet that desires an embellishment. The two pairs of shoes that I have yet to start and a week's worth of orders. Joy to the world!

I'm starting to feel like......I'm slakking. Too much downtime during the day, coupled with a not completing lots of stuff per day has me feeling like I'm slowing down way too soon. I'm definitely trying to nip that in the bud, then beat it with a stikk. Part of feeling accomplished is feeling like you've made progress. I'm progressing...but more progressing would make me feel better.

Final count for today 1. 67 down...933 pieces and 328 days to go.

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