
SYM and The Mommy Go Vending

Sorry for my absence. I was suffering from technical difficulties. It was tragic. I'm bakk now though with good news to report.

I went vending at Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday w/ the mommy. I've sat at many a table in the past, but this was my first time vending alone. I usually team up with someone else. It was my first time paying to vend. It was also, by far, my best experience thus far. So much so, that I'm actually looking forward to doing another event.

I woke up the morning of, only to realize that I had yet to sign any of my pieces. I did that and took this picture: I LOVE IT!!! Then I also had the grand idea that I would take some paint with me and paint on site. I'm not too keen on people watching me paint. I find it distracting, but I thought it would be cool, plus I figured I could probably knokk out a few pieces if anybody wanted something on the spot. It turned out to be a good decision b/c it also resulted in my first sale! She said she needed something soon and I was all too pleased to say you can stop bakk by the table and pikk it up before you go. Here's what I knokked out:

Oh, and I also displayed and sold some of my new gift items. These were a big hit: Infant washcloths wrapped like a lollipop on a spoon. I've been trying to replicate this on a onesie, but I'll refrain from discussing that tragedy. Lol.

All in all my product was well received. So, now I'm just waiting to see if anybody else contacts me.


As Promised: My "mess"

It's not really messy, b/c I wouldn't post that, but this is what it looks like when I'm really busy. I think there was a total of 19 pieces there. Now, on to another 10.


What I'm working on: MASSES

Happy October,

I've been busy trying to reach my paint goals and working on things that basically make me feel good. I've come to find that I have an affinity for birds. Of course I've done some doves. I've done the hummingbird and I'm working on number 2. I'm working on peacock number 3 and I really want to do a parrot and a phoenix.

If I wasn't so ashamed of the mess I've made, I'd post a pic of what starting 11 pieces looks like. That's what I did yesterday. Maybe when they are all done, I'll take a picture of the finished pile. I love seeing them all side by side.

THEN, today my mother calls and says "you're going to be mad..." I say, "I'm not doing it." LOL. She came home with a BOX of shirts (15) for me to do for her job. She has a new position and this is her contribution to meeting certain requirements so WE can get a Christmas bonus. It's Tuesday night. She says they were initially trying to have them done for Friday. That's not going to happen. I'll have them done soon enough though. I support bonuses. OWWWW!!!

Anyway, chekk out my first two peacocks. One for mommy and one for baby.


Progress Report

***Random: I started to buy myself a "world's best boss" mug today. I'm so good to myself***

My second post was about my new schedule. Here's my public report of how that's going. I'm giving myself a C+. I'm doing VERY well with most things. I've been exceptional as far as doing only things that are planned for certain days on those days, BUT I lose points, because there have been a few days that I have skipped all together (particularly the one where I update my address book). The biggest issue is actually painting. I always want to, but I can't say I always FEEL like it, so I don't. I have a goal I'm trying to achieve as far as how many pieces I paint per day. My original goal was a bit too steep for starters, so I amended it. However, I have yet to consistently reach that place either.

I had a conversation with someone about this very issue and I was told that I should extend my creativity to ALL aspects of my business. I, the boss, needs to offer some incentive to myself, the employee, to motivate me to reach my daily quota. Food is no longer an option, and neither is firing myself for deficiency. So here's where my creativity comes into play. I have this not so grand, ridiculous(ly special) idea that I will host some paint improv sessions over the course of a few days. My hope is that it will a) give me an opportunity to interact w/ my customers b) have me painting to build my inventory while c) forcing me to be accountable to someone other than myself d) alleviate the boredom I sometimes feel from painting the same types of pieces each day and e) we (those who choose to participate and I) will have some fun. Can I get a break a leg?

Update to come...soon (enough).



A normal day in my inbox or comment section on my photos would include at least one message with a question similar to this:

Hey SYM, I'm an avid fan of the group “monkeys & margaritas.” I would really like to get a shirt with their logo on it, but I haven't seen one on your pages. Do you make those? -Ashley (b/c it's always Ashley)

Now, for starters, I'm always here thinking...I don't even know what that is, why would I have a shirt about it. However, the bottom line is, if you don't see it, it's only because nobody has ordered it yet. I'm not discriminating against your organization, band, or favorite flavor of ice cream, but 90% of my products are made to order. If you can think it up, (“monkeys & margaritas” or “pom poms and rose petals”) I can make it, but if you plan to wait for random things such as these to occur, they may never come into existence. There's no point in making things I can't sell, wear, or give away. So, if you're feeling outlandish, or if you want something that's rare, or (more) unique than what I normally have available. Don't be afraid. Just order it, so you can have it first.


Why Shop SYM1: 1-5

So, here are a few reasons why one should SHOP SYM1. I'll release them in sets of 5 as I go.

1)UNIQUENESS. I've never duplicated shirts for an individual more than maybe 5 times. Now not only is EVERY piece different, simply because they are done by hand, but I also purposely change things so that no two will ever be too much alike. That means that in the whole country there will most likely be no more than 5 people with shirts SIMILAR to yours.
2)PRICE. To get anything this rare anywhere else, will cost considerably more, but quite possibly won't be hand done.
3)OPTIONS. You can get whatever you want. Just send in a request, and I'll make it happen. What store is going to do that?
4)TEXTURE. There's something about the way the light hits the designs that make them much more interesting than anything you can get in mass. Depending on the design, they are also fun to touch.
5)PRIDE: People always hit me up to tell me how many compliments they get when they wear their SYM1. Who doesn't like to be told how nice they look? THEN to top it off, nobody will ever be able to look quite the same.

That's one through five in no particular order. I somehow feel I should release here more. We'll see how that goes.


Feelin Myself

I decided to post two today. I'm going to try not to make this a habit. I just wanted to do a quikk shout out...to the both the S(Y)(I)Ms. I had a shoot w/ my friend Sim (www.madisticphotography.com) last Friday and I must admit that the pictures were rather nice. Here's a sneaky peaky:

I've been really happy w/ the things I've been producing lately. I actually got some time to make some things for myself, so I wore them for this shoot. Now, if I can just meet that 3 a day goal...*sigh* It's a work in progress.


So, I'm watchin tv and there's this Red Bull commercial. Some dude hops on his bike, rides it through a street lined with people, then up ridiculously steep ramp that allows him to jump, he and the bike, to the top of some building in Vegas, to the delight of the large crowd below. THEN he turns around and jumps bakk to the same slope and down to the ground again and kills no one in the process. CRAZINESS! Red Bull gives you wings. Anyway, it got me to thinking of where/who else can give you wings...but of course don't use the slogan.

Heaven: REAL TALK, Angels are generally depicted w/ wings, but when you see them in movies/tv, they are never flying. HMMMM...curious? Indeed. Simply for decorative purposes. Which brings me to...
Victoria's Secret: Wings and panties. A combo I had never considered. NICE!
Airline of your choice: Wherever you want to go...the joy of flying!
BWW, wing spot, hotlanta wings...yo mama's kitchen: what's better than chikken?
SYM1 (of course): and I've got the outfit to prove it. :o)


The Acceptance Speech

**clears throat** Wow...I'm...so...not...speechless. When I joined FB, I can't say I was expecting to max out my friend list, start a second profile, have a group w/ more than 4k members, writing two and three notes a day (and actually having people care about what they said), and posting pictures of my artwork to the extent that I have. Thousands of connections, tags, comments, and photos later here I am. Today marks a very special day. Not only have I released my 100th note, but I've also posted Design ID#1000.
Now both are exciting alone, but I do find it rather auspicious that they both arrived on the same day. I believe that it truly marks the ending of one stage, and the beginning of another. I am happy. However, this could not have been made possible without a host of friends, pseudo friends, random people and groupies. I would like to take some time to thank you for all your support. Be it kind words, a purchase, or a joke, you've helped to bring me this far. So here goes:

I'd surely have to trade in my Blakk Card if I did not first thank God for blessing me with all this talent. Then my mother, who God chose especially for me. I love that woman. BEST street team member, HANDS DOWN! Shout out to daddy. Lol. Much love to Omega Mu for the encouragement to keep selling early on. Teah, for being my first paying customer (on a custom order). Ashley, Reasha, Tesha, Samyon, Lamont, and Cassandra for being some of my best customers. Harrison, Serena, Clarence, Tesha (again), Naicie for being the first from their organizations to buy something. Shout out to everybody who bought something @ BNW 06...ya'll paid for my WHOLE weekend and I had money left when I got home. To Jaz (Stars+Rocks) for trusting me with your products. OOOOH special shout out to Sim for the product, fly photos, the website, and being a good friend, even though you get on my nerves (I promise you're doing it RIGHT NOW as I type this). Yes, I said it in a public forum! To my FBC and my Sugs, I'm better b/c of both of you. Love you bunches. Shout out to GGW (especially the almost twin, Kimmy) for all the support and laughs. Brudder, Tine, T'Meshia, Bhani, Lynn, Person, Poo, Pooh Claire, Doonk, Momma, the BGY fam (I know my roots), Aceboo, Qui, Q., SEAN!!! (love u guy!), Hammy, Tanaya, Arthur for the music that kept me goin on late nights, TRICE!!!, George, Roxxie, Eric, Robbiey, anybody who trying to get their baby a job and have sent in the pics!, Cedric (for caring about the sales records), Nathaniel,Darkness, my REAL family who actually PAID for stuff!!, My KC (you've been a bigger help than you may ever know), Sweeney, Mr. Jolly, Kofi (you've helped and didn't even know it. Lol), anybody who's tagged a picture, posted a link, or invited a friend, gave me a profile picture, took pictures of other people rokkin it, tagged me in photos you found, shouted me out in a status message, gave a suggestion, pointed me towards business opportunities, or even DONATED to the March of Dimes, I know I couldn't possibly list all of you, but I really appreciate everything that you've done to help me become better. It means the world to me **pulls out tissue** YOU ROKK!!! **get off the stage music begins to play** **scene fades as I make my way off stage** **SYM1 logo flashes on the screen** **cut to commercial**


What I'm Working On: KOI

Ok, I couldn't think of a particular subject that I wanted to discuss, so I'm bakk to typing just to see where it takes me. I was beginning to think that writing was one of my gifts, but this is harder than I thought. lol.

Anyway, the schedule is going well. Sort of. I haven't had much to do but paint and I haven't exactly reached my goals on that. I'm just enjoying myself so much on my "free week" that I'm spending a little more time on each piece, because they are new and exciting. I've still got quite a bit to do, but I'm actually excited about EVERY piece I'm doing. I've got a full plate of NEW NEW, Pisces (YUUUP!), Cancer, Taurus, a series of NFL shirts (I'm SO ready for football) and I'm trying to make some new things for myself.

Last night I did a koi shirt for my friend's mother:
She really liked a similar shirt I did for myself (which is currently my favorite shirt), and she wanted one too:

I never realized how much I was influenced by Asian themes and HOURS of watching Miami Ink, until I started talking about doing dragons and phoenix(es?) and koi (which I've always loved) with cherry blossoms and lotus flowers...maybe even one of those angry geishas. lol. Since I won't be getting a tattoo any time soon, or AT ALL, I'll be putting all of my ideas on shirts. Eventually.


The Small Victories

So, I developed a schedule for myself. It's not so rigid that I have to do certain things at certain times (that would drive me crazy). It's just as simple as having certain tasks delegated to certain days and starting/completing a certain number of pieces per day. I also had to limit the number of trips I take for shopping, errands, USPS and the like (those sometimes turn into all day events). It's been about two weeks and I've actually been doing very well. I'm SUPER proud of myself. I can't say I've been able to follow it to a tee (b/c I did make an "emergency" shopping trip today), but I've been doing much better. I'm excited for what will happen when I get it completely together. I already find that I'm producing more, I have more time to myself, still going hard on FB, found time for twitter (@SYM1DidIt), FINALLY updated my myspace (sym1_did_it) and I've even been sleeping. Go figure!

With my new schedule, I'm also trying to make a point to celebrate the "small" victories. It's so much more fulfilling than always waiting for something "BIG" to happen. Those who rokk w/ me on fb know I change my status with every shirt I finish. Thanks to those who give me the thumbs up. Shout out to KC and Tine for celebrating empty paint bottles with me. Today is my second Wednesday (b/c I haven't been to sleep yet) on the schedule and I've done what I needed to do. *does a lil celebratory dance* Now, it's time for bed. THAT deserves some celebration. *throws hands up* I went kinda hard today. Pooped!


I am SYM1

Welcome to SYM1 Did It!!!: The Blog. It's been here for a minute waiting for me to add something. I've already remodeled once, with no one here to witness the change and now I'm finally ready to write my first entry, although I'm not even sure what I want to talk about. *sigh* As always, I'll just get started and see what comes out.
I've been painting full time for a little more than two years, so there's really none of that “I pikked up a bottle of paint for the first time and completely ruined this perfectly wonderful white shirt” stuff that people generally talk about when starting a new hobby. I probably painted my first shirt when I was about four or five. Not sure if it was a disaster or not. I don't remember it, but when I was small we used to paint tees/sweats at parties (I also host these parties now as a part of my business), so this is by far nothing new to me. I painted a few things in high school and a few in college. Nothing big or exciting. Just for fun. In 2005, shortly after becoming a Zeta, I made a few greek shirts for some friends and a few chapter members and that's where my journey as SYM1 the self employed, FULL TIME artist begins.
Notice that I call myself an artist (although, my new business cards say I'm a FLYght Engineer. I promise to blog about that later), when many people consider me a designer. I find that term confuses people about what exactly it is that I do, so I don't use it anymore. lol. I honestly don't consider myself a designer, because I haven't designed anything that I've ever painted on. I don't create in that way (yet). I don't sketch, build, construct, or reconstruct fashion. I can't/don't sew (yet), although I wish I could. I'm more of a master of embellishment. I'm an artist with an unconventional canvas. Somebody else is responsible for making the product...I just make it better. :o)
*whew* I think that's a wonderful start. I'll be bakk EVERY Wednesday with more.
Here's the part where I give you all my info so you can “stalk me” (shout out to Mac Jeezy!). BECOME A FAN on Facebook, the link to my page is in the right column. ADD ME on myspace @ myspace.com/sym1_did_it. FOLLOW ME on Twitter @SYM1DidIt. Of course you can follow my blog here and finally, chekk out my new website www.sym1didit.com It was just finished this week and was designed by Simeon Gardiner of Madistic Designs. Let me know what you think.
“Don't just love it, Rokk it!”